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Friday 24 June 2011

Do You Know What Happens After You Quit Smoking

In the last post we talked about some of the advantages and side effects associated with quitting and where you can find products that can help you at

In this post we are going to talk about what happens after you finally quit smoking?  As humans we often think what will happen after giving up a bad habit?  Let's examine this thoroughly in the case of cigarette smoking. The benefits that follow a person are based on the amount of time after a smoker has quit smoking for instance:

What happens after 20 minutes quitting?

Smoking generally results in high blood pressure which is harmful for heart as it increases the risk of heart attack. But the minute most people quit this, the risk reduces and their blood pressure level becomes normal.

During the next 10 hours: 

The level of carbon monoxide in your body rebuses by half after the first 10 hours of giving up smoking. Carbon monoxide is one of the major pollutants that produces ill effects on your cognitive skills and
overall health.  While oxygen is one of the most vital substances that is necessary our very for survival. High level of carbon monoxide decreases intake of blood from lungs which can give birth to serious problems.  Your energy levels will also increase as the level of carbon monoxide is reduced after quitting. 

24 hours after quitting smoking:

Not smoking for 24 hours is a tremendous achievement for any chain smoker! It provides them with more willpower to complete their journey.  They will also feel less fatigue after exercise and experience eased breathing and faster recovery times.

After 48 hours:

Making it thorough the first 48 hours gives a completely new experience to the person who is quitting. Because now the nicotine is eliminated from their body and the nasty side effects like irritability, headache, stomachache, chills and sometimes vomiting that withdrawal can cause will subside.

After 2 weeks:

You will notice that your overall health will improve. Your circulation will return to normal and you will notice that other problems like slow healing, cold feet, trouble breathing and symptoms of peripheral vascular disease (PVT) will diminish.

After 1 year:

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) an estimated 443,000 deaths, or nearly 1 of every 5 deaths, each year in the United States alone are due to cardiovascular diseases. If you quit smoking for 1 year it reduces your risk of heart attack to half.

After 10 years:

After minimizing the danger of heart attack your fantastic habit of not smoking results in reducing the risk of lung cancer to by half. The CD Calso states that 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women and 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men were due to smoking.

Wow, after 15 years:

After this much time has passed the person who once was chain smoker leads a healthy life just as they had never smoked at all and all of the pain and agony you suffer while quitting has repaid you
with a long and healthy and smoke free life.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about why people continue to smoke even when there are aware of the dangers associated with it.

I hope this has inspired you to quit smoking today and to MAKE EACH DAY COUNT

Linda Baade

Friday 27 May 2011

Advantages and Side Effects of Quitting Smoking

Welcome back.

I hope you are going well with your Quit Smoking campaign.

In the last issue we went over few tips and suggestions that will help you stay on track while you are trying to kick the habit! In this issue we are going to talk some more about the advantages and side effects associated with quitting.

If your require Quit Smoking products sent to you see our online store at or there are some attached to this site you may be interested in.  

Do you know that around 1000 Americans are dying every day because of smoking?  One out of every six men is dying in United States because they smoke. It is very clear now that smoking is one of the major causes of death. If you smoke then you are also enhancing the chances of diseases that will end up in death.

Just in case you aren't aware there are several major diseases related to smoking. They are coronary heart disease, lung cancer, mouth cancer and severe problems regarding throat, bladder, kidney and pancreas. Most of the diseases are so severe that there are no treatments available for them. For instance; severe gangrene (that leads to loss of limbs) has been found in Diabetic patients, who smoke cigarettes regularly.

With all of this information in mind isn't it time that you quit smoking right away! Don't assume that it is impossible for you to quit it, because there are many chain smokers, who have quit smoking. The only thing you need is desire and determination. Once you accomplish your goal and become a non-smoker you will be amazed at how much better you will feel. You will be so proud of yourself and your family will be proud of
you too!

When it comes to quitting (just like with anything else) there are certain rules that you must follow if you want to see results. Firstly, you need a firm determination of quitting this bad habit.  When you have decided to commit completely pick a date. Then from that particular day forward promise yourself that you will not touch another cigarette.

For a smoker, smoking is a big part of their day. It coincides with many daily routines and tasks that you will still have to do even after you have committed to quitting. In the beginning you may find that you will
need to approach these routines and tasks in a different way or at a different time of the day to help resist the urge to smoke.

As the date for quitting is approaching, try to minimize your intake of cigarettes and the conditions when you smoke.  As we talked about in your last issue, try to concentrate on the advantages of quitting. Remind yourself that quitting has many more advantages than smoking.  Tell yourself that when you finally quit smoking then there will be much less chance that you will develop heart disease, cancer and other deadly diseases. Keep in mind that you will feel better, have more energy and you will also have more resistance to persistent coughs, cold and flu.

With the high cost of cigarettes there is no doubt that you will save the money. Why not put all of the money you spend on your cigarettes in a glass jar for a month so that you can really see your savings.

In the initial phases, nicotine withdrawal will show its effects. You will also have to face many symptoms like headache, irritation and coughing. Believe it or not these are all positive signs. To help avoid them drink plenty of water, keep your hands and mouth busy. Try not to dwell on them, because they will decrease with time. You just have to tough it out! 

You may also feel anxiousness. To get rid of anxiety avoid caffeine drinks, take deep breaths and go for a walk. And don't forget to get some form of physical activity every day to help ease the effects of

At times it might seem impossible for you to resist the temptation. When you are having a bad day, practice the techniques we've talked about to divert your mind and keep yourself busy! Did you know that once you quit smoking and the volume of carbon monoxide in your blood is reduced your skin will turn a healthy
shade and begin to glow again. Your heartbeat will be normal, your lungs become clearer and your risk to heart attack gradually decreases every day?

After quitting, many people usually put on a lot of weight. To avoid this,remember to stick to an exercise program and do your best to eat healthy food. There are some drugs that can reduce cravings and replace harmful nicotine. For instance, Nicotine gum, Bupropion, Nicotine inhaler and Nicotine nasal spray. These drugs can be helpful when you are trying to quit smoking. But, they should not be taken without the advice of
your Doctor.  You can purchase these at 

Remember to reward your achievements. Focus on the good days and when you are having a tough day ask for help. Above all have faith in yourself and you will be able to achieve what often seems unachievable. Repeatedly tell yourself that you are a non-smoker. Write it down for 5 minutes a day.  Make sure you look for your next blog soon. We will be talking about what happens after you finally quit smoking!

Until then,

Make each day count.

Linda Baade

Monday 16 May 2011

Tips to help you quit smoking

In the last post about how to quit smoking we talked about some of the basic facts and about doing a personal analysis to help you get started. In this issue we are going to go over few tips and suggestions that will help you stay on track while you are trying to kick the habit! 

Don't forget we have great products easily purchased online and it is still cheaper than smoking -

So you have made it this far and you really want to quit smoking!

Quitting the smoking is a desire that many chain smokers wish would come true. Unfortunately it is not as easy as making a simple wish. However, it is often possible using the following tips and suggestions:

Have self-confidence: If you can believe in yourself then you have already won half of the battle. On bad days try to focus on days when you demonstrated strong willpower. To help boost your spirits and stay on track. If you are having trouble quitting cold turkey, try cutting down on your smoking a little at a time instead. Think about how smoking is eating up your body and then focus on the reasons you want to quit. Remind yourself that when you quit smoking you will feel better and increase your lifespan.

Think about how happy your family will be when you quit.

Add up all of the money you will save when you quit smoking. When
you are feeling down dream about how you are going to spend it. Remind yourself how nice it will be when your friends who hate smoking find out you quit.

Don't panic: At first you may behave illogically and find that you will be restless and irritable. During those times keep in mind your friends and family are there to help you out . Ask them to be patient and understanding with you and give you support.

Exercise: This will allow you to relieve tension and will help you
to stay on track. You could start walking, jogging or join a gym. You will be amazed at how much better you will fell after a short strolls and some fresh air. Don't take on too much the beginning stages because you
may feel fatigued when you first quit smoking. Be sure that you talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise routine.

Deep breathing is great to relieve stress as well. Try it for 3 to 5 minutes every day. Picture the times that you've refused a cigarette offered by someone and remember how proud of yourself you were.

If you are comfortable quitting cold turkey then go for it if not then take some time and plan to gradually cut down on the number of cigarettes you will have each day until you reach your goal and quit for good!

Keep changing your brands. This way you will stop enjoying smoking.

Search for a friend to quit with. That way you can motivate each other.

Experience the pride in your clean teeth and fresh breath that isn't possible with a smoking habit.

Make sure that you drink plenty of water every day. It will help to
flush all harmful chemicals out of your body. Did you know that it helps to reduce your craving for cigarettes?

Try to avoid all of the triggers that cause you want a cigarettes like: stress, work load, a certain drink or perhaps a certain habits that you do every day that involve smoking . In the beginning keep your mouth busy with things like hard candy, chewing gum or breath mints.

Plan your journey all the way to the day that you quit for good.Reward yourself over the passage of time. For instance after two weeks of being a non smoker, plan to see a movie. After continuing the
battle for one month go to your favorite restaurant and so on. Above all remember quitting is a process and you may have good days and bad days. The most important thing to remember is to never give up until you win the battle!

Make sure you look for your next post soon. We will be talking more about the advantages and side effects associated with quitting.

Until then,

Farewell from Linda Baade

Sunday 10 April 2011

Quit Smoking the Road to Success


Welcome to your road to success. Here you will be supported to successfully make it through the journey of becoming a non-smoker! If you need extra support with quit smoking products please see our store at

In this blog we are going to go over a few basic facts about the dangers of cigarette smoking and talk about doing you own personal analysis, so that you can begin your journey.

First the facts: Based on recent studies conducted by AMA, American Lung and Heart Associations and also the American Cancer society cigarette smoking is one of the main causes of premature death. Smoking is basically the same as giving yourself slow acting poison.

Smoking doesn't just destroy the smoker's health it also impacts the people close to you, like your family, friends and especially your children because their organs are still developing.

It is an accepted fact that cigarette smoking is the primary cause of preventable and premature death. Did you know it is the cause of one in every five deaths in United States alone. The data shows the deaths of over 400,000 individuals from 1995 to 1999 in the U.S. each year.

Cigarette smoking acts as a catalyst in lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases and persistent airway impediments. Studies have shown that both adult males and females who smoke lose an average of around 13 to14 years of their life expectancy. If this pace of tobacco consummation goes on then approximately 6.4 million children will loose their lives prematurely.

Why am I telling you all of this? The answer is simple. Before you can quit you must come to terms with the fact that cigarette smoking is slowly killing you and the people close to you. Once you understand that you can begin your journey to becoming a non-smoker!

If you really do want to quit smoking you must be prepared to be completely honest with yourself about the dangers associated with smoking. Be ready to experience good and bad days and the possibility that it may take several attempts before you are successful.

- To begin your journey let's start by doing a personal analysis.

It is a basic fact that smoking is more of psychological addiction than physical addiction. The Nicotine addiction in your body can be controlled, but the mind addiction is tough to control. One thing that helps you when it comes to quitting is to do a complete personal analysis.

Take a piece of paper and make two columns on it. At the top of one column put, the reasons for quitting. In the other column, write down the reason you started smoking.

Firstly, write down the reasons you took up smoking. It might have been some kind of pressure, family trouble, financial problems or some other reason. Now, determine whether or not these problems still exist.
If they don't, then it stands to reason that there is no need to smoke.

Now, write down the reasons you are thinking about quitting. It might because of the threat of fatal illnesses you caused by smoking, or your concern of causing harm to your loved ones. You may be experiencing breathlessness while coming upstairs. Your feet may be cold due to high blood pressure. You may be suffering from a persistent cough and it makes you feel uncomfortable. If this is the case then, health and well being will be one of the big reasons that you want to quit smoking.

On the other hand, it is very possible that health reasons alone will not convince you that you need to quit smoking. After all there is no way to be sure that you or your family will develop lung cancer or breathing problems because of smoking. So you will also want to include other reasons. Such as, wrinkles, premature aging and drying of skin due to smoking. Bad breath,your fingernails and teeth being yellow and stained. The smell that gets into your hair, cloths, home and even your car that tells everyone you smoke no matter how hard you try to cover it up. The looks from other people when you smoke at public places. Not to mention the huge amount of money you are spending on cigarettes, air fresheners and breath mints.Have you ever added up how much you can save by quitting? I bet it would be enough for a nice little holiday. Think about your family. How happy they will be after your quitting smoking. Think about your house. How clean and fresh it would be, no dirty yellow walls, or smelly furniture. Think about your friend and how you won't have to hide your bad habit form them anymore. These are all great reasons to focus on for quitting smoking.

When you can divert your mind by focusing on all of the good things that will take place when you kick the habit once and for all, you will have a much easier journey on your road to becoming a non-smoker!

Make sure you look for our next blog soon. We will be going over a few tips and suggestions that will help you stay on track while you are trying to kick the habit!

Thank you again for visiting this site I hope you enjoyed the content.

Linda Baade


Thursday 7 April 2011

The Ulitimate Success Plan

When you quit smoking don't stop there.  You need to set new goals and plan how you are going to achieve those plans.  If you are traveling in a car you don't just jump in and hope to get somewhere that you have never been before without a little planning.  Do you need a map, fuel, food?  Life is the same. You need to set your course then plan the steps you need to take to get there.

There is a lot of information out there for Personal Development.  I recommend the Ultimate Success Plan.  You get a variety of books for one low price. Check it out for yourself.

If you have a family don't wait, start now, you can steer their mindset in a positive direction at a very early age.  Check out this limited time special offer. 

Think positively about your family's personal development plan and MAKE EACH DAY COUNT.

Quit Smoking through Hypnosis

I've been learning a lot about mindsets lately and really believe in the power of positive thinking. Think about your upbringing and what messages you were sent when you were a child. Did these eventuate for you? They did for me.

I also recently went through a series of affirmations where for one month I wrote down three different ways of saying that I would be wealthy and successful for 15 minutes a day. For example - Linda is a wealthy and successful business woman, I am a wealthy and successful business woman, You are a successful and wealthy business woman, each one written out for 5 minutes in a quite location. I really felt more focused after this exercise.

If you follow this link and try Hypnosis you will not feel like a cigarette and it will increase your changes of success. There is also a 60 day guarantee.

1. It will help you in those situations when you go for the smokes automatically.
2. You will see yourself as a non smoker
3. You will be certain that you will never smoke again
4. You will not experience cravings for cigarettes
5. You will be using the same technique that has helped more smokers successfully quit the habit than any other
6. You will do this without gum, spray or patches
7. You will not experience the weight gain that many smokers do when they give up
8. You will not rely on “will power” alone, you will use the power of your own mind to beat this habit.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Poor Parrot

As a bird lover I have to post this Today Tonight story that has upset me. Our Family is privileged enough to have a beautiful Indian Ringneck that has a great personality. He talks to us all the time asking "What you doing" "Hello" and he calls his name "Jerry" repeatedly if he wants to come out of his cage. I can't believe the owner of the bird in this story has put his bird in danger and tormented him in this way. I'm happy to give his bird a loving home.

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Read through the blog and you will see a picture of Jerry on Mitchell's shoulder - opposite the chicken.

Sorry about the advertisement that comes first on the video it came with the download.